Friday, November 13, 2015

skateboarding for kids

In my opinion i think that skateboarding is great for kids to do and get into. I think its great for them to do because they can get a chance to exercise and gives them a chance to do something active. Some kids dont like sports as much and can really enjoy skateboarding as something active. Skateboarding isn't like other sports because you dont need a coach and be on a team. You are your coach and there is no team. You get the chance to teach yourself new things and learn as you go and learn to never give up and how to get up when you fall which can help for other situations you might get into in life.
You get to be your own person on your skateboard and be indipendent by learning things on your own. Skateboarding is also great for kids cause it teaches them to never give up and shows them how to progress. Kids can skateboard to stay out of trouble and to just have fun with their friends. It's a great way to deal with stress and feels good to see yourself get better. It can heko kids make friends and give them something to do when they are bored. They can skateboard whenever they want and skateboard however they want to.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Skateboarding to me

Skateboarding to me is a form of expression. Skateboarding is a way for me to express myself, or relieve stress,to show my own style and be my own person. I can have whatever board graphic I want. I can do what I want when im skateboarding and do what I want how I want to on my skateboard. I can do tricks the way I want to do them and give my own style to them. Skateboarding to me is something I can do when i'm happy or if i'm upset or if i'm just bored. Skateboarding gives me a chance to have fun and let loose on my skateboard and not worry about so much. I can skate with my friends and just have fun or I can skate alone and just practice and improve.Skateboarding is something that is easy for someone to get into and pick up and enjoy. It is not always the easiest to learn things with because it takes a lot of time and effort but that can teach people to never give up and always try their best. I think skateboarding is a good thing for people to do and is very fun.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I am going to talk about skateboarding as a topic for my blog because skateboarding is my favourite extreme sport and pass time. I will be talking about different topics and events in skateboarding. There is a lot in skateboarding from the tricks you do to the way and style in which you do those tricks. I will also explain how to do those tricks and explain more in detail about them and their origin. Also skatebording will be my topic to talk about in my blog because it is something that generally interests me and that I like to talk about. Skateboarding is something that has a lot to talk about. It is a great topic to talk about in my opinion because it is something that is very easy for somebody to get into. It is easy to pick up and go with and learn as you go and that is also a reason why i find it will be a good topic to talk about. This is a good way for me to give my opinion on it for others to read and then make their own opinion on it  and maybe decide to start skateboarding or learn about it.
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