Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I am going to talk about skateboarding as a topic for my blog because skateboarding is my favourite extreme sport and pass time. I will be talking about different topics and events in skateboarding. There is a lot in skateboarding from the tricks you do to the way and style in which you do those tricks. I will also explain how to do those tricks and explain more in detail about them and their origin. Also skatebording will be my topic to talk about in my blog because it is something that generally interests me and that I like to talk about. Skateboarding is something that has a lot to talk about. It is a great topic to talk about in my opinion because it is something that is very easy for somebody to get into. It is easy to pick up and go with and learn as you go and that is also a reason why i find it will be a good topic to talk about. This is a good way for me to give my opinion on it for others to read and then make their own opinion on it  and maybe decide to start skateboarding or learn about it.
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « skateboard »


  1. I am not really into satebord I am more into ripstike . i want t know what was your first ever skateboard trick . i wanna also learn how it works .

  2. Im oppisite of you all the way I rather play hockey and other sports then satebored but I think I might try it in the summer
